DEInfrared spectrum detection content
Infrared spectrum detection content, Total:136 items.
In the international standard classification, Infrared spectrum detection content involves: Farming and forestry, Road engineering, Fuels, Analytical chemistry, Coals, Farm buildings, structures and installations, Rubber, Semiconducting materials, Products of the chemical industry, Fertilizers, Soil quality. Pedology, Protection against crime, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Organic chemicals, Lubricants, industrial oils and related products, Physics. Chemistry, Insulating fluids, Rubber and plastics products, Inorganic chemicals, Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography, Air quality, Plastics, Power stations in general, Natural gas, Civil engineering in general, Tea. Coffee. Cocoa, Testing of metals, Construction industry, Domestic, commercial and industrial heating appliances, Cereals, pulses and derived products.
Jiangsu Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB32/T 2269-2012 Non-destructive determination of cottonseed oil content by near-infrared spectroscopy
- DB32/T 4340-2022 Asphalt Infrared Spectroscopy Similarity Recognition and SBS Content Testing Procedures
Jilin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB22/T 3148-2020 Detection of SBS Modifier Content in Modified Asphalt by Infrared Spectroscopy
- DB22/T 2979-2019 Infrared Spectroscopy for Similarity Detection of Base Asphalt
Professional Standard - Agriculture, Infrared spectrum detection content
- NY/T 3105-2017 Determination of oil content in vegetable oils by near-infrared spectroscopy
- GB 8570.6-1988 Determination of the content of liquid anhydrous ammonia oil by gravimetric and infrared spectroscopic methods
- JJG(教委) 001-1996 Verification Regulations for Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
- 303藥典 四部-2020 4000 Testing methods for pharmaceutical packaging materials 4002 Determination of packaging materials by infrared spectroscopy
Sichuan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB51/T 1922-2014 Determination of Toluene Content in Gasoline by Infrared Spectroscopy
- DB51/T 1694-2013 Determination of Methanol and Oxygen Content in Gasoline by Infrared Spectroscopy
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Infrared spectrum detection content
- NF M07-064*NF EN 238:1996 Liquid petroleum products. Petrol. Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry.
- NF EN 238/A1:2005 Liquid petroleum products - Gasoline - Determination of benzene content by infrared spectrometry
- NF EN 238:1996 Liquid petroleum products - Gasoline - Determination of benzene content by infrared spectrometry
- NF M07-064/A1*NF EN 238/A1:2005 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry.
- NF EN 15948:2020 Cereals - Determination of water and protein content - Method using near-infrared spectroscopy on whole grains
- NF T46-054*NF ISO 4650:2013 Rubber - Identification - Infrared spectrometric methods
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Infrared spectrum detection content
- prEN 238-1985 Liquid petroleum products; determination of the benzene content; infrared spectrometric method
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- T/CAAMM 314-2023 Procedure for rapid grading detection of protein content in fresh edible sweet potatoes using near-infrared spectroscopy
- T/GPCIA 0007-2022 Instant quantitative determination of automobile diesel fuels with near-infrared spectrometry
- T/GPCIA 0006-2022 Instant quantitative determination of automobile gasoline with near-infrared spectrometry
- T/CRIAC 0001-2019 Reagent for infrared spectrum detection - Tetrachloroethylene
- T/JSJTQX 05-2019 Technical code for infrared spectrum identification of asphalt and determination of SBS content
- T/JTAIT 4-2021 Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Rapid Detection of Vehicle Diesel
- T/HBFPIA 015-2023 Determination of PBAT and PLA content in biodegradable plastics by mid-infrared spectroscopy
- T/IMAS 033-2021 Rapid derection method of motor vehicle gasoline Near infrared spectrometory
- T/GXAS 356-2022 Rapid screening of polysaccharides content in Ganoderma lucidum spore by near infrared spectroscopy
- T/CECS G:J41-02-2024 Technical Specifications of FTIR Method for the Road Petroleum Asphalt Test
- T/JTAIT 2-2021 Near-infrared spectroscopy for rapid detection of ethanol gasoline (E10) for vehicles
- T/GZTSS 1-2021 Method for determination of theanine,theobromine constituents in tea by Near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
- T/GDNB 225-2024 Non-destructive testing of pomelo internal quality by visible/near-infrared spectroscopy
- T/GXAS 357-2022 Rapid screening of protein content in fresh wet rice noodles by near infrared spectroscopy
- T/CECS 10149-2021 Determination of Concrete Admixture Quality Consistency Infrared Spectroscopy
Zhejiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB33/T 989-2015 Determination of SBS Content in Modified Asphalt by Infrared Spectroscopy
British Standards Institution (BSI), Infrared spectrum detection content
- BS ISO 19579:2006 Solid mineral fuels - Determination of sulfur by IR spectrometry
- BS DD 220:1994 Soil quality - Determination of mineral oil content - Method by infrared spectrometry and gas chromatographic method
- DD 220-1994 Soil quality. Determination of mineral oil content. Method by infrared spectrometry and gas chromatographic method
中華全國供銷合作總社, Infrared spectrum detection content
- GH/T 1337-2021 Rapid determination of impurity content in seed cotton using near-infrared spectroscopy
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Infrared spectrum detection content
- SN/T 3601-2013 Determination of total sulfur in graphite.Infrared absorption spectrometry
- SN/T 2326-2009 Detection of Trans Fatty Acid Content in Food and Oil by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB13/T 2953-2019 Determination of styrene content in styrene-butadiene rubber by infrared spectroscopic external standard method
- DB13/T 5029-2019 Determination of Methanol Content in Alcohol-Based Fuels - Gas Chromatography - Infrared Spectroscopy
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Infrared spectrum detection content
- ISO 19579:2006 Solid mineral fuels - Determination of sulfur by IR spectrometry
- ISO/TR 11046:1994 Soil quality - Determination of mineral oil content - Method by infrared spectrometry and gas chromatographic method
- ISO 7106:1985 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use; Determination of oil content; Gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
Professional Standard - Electron, Infrared spectrum detection content
- SJ/T 11491-2015 Test methods for measurement of interstitial oxygen content in silicon by short baseline infrared absorption spectrometry
Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB37/T 2651-2015 Determination of Methylal Content in Motor Gasoline by Infrared Spectroscopy
- DB37/T 4708-2024 Determination of organic carbon content in sediments Visible-near infrared spectroscopy
- DB37/T 4417-2021 Determination of SBR content in SBR modified emulsified asphalt (infrared spectroscopy)
- DB37/T 2977-2017 Technical Regulations for Determination of SBS Modifier Content in Road Asphalt (Infrared Spectroscopy)
- DB37/T 3636-2019 Near Infrared Spectroscopy Method for Rapid Detection of Motor Gasoline
- DB37/T 3638-2019 Near Infrared Spectroscopy Method for Rapid Detection of Vehicle Diesel
German Institute for Standardization, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DIN EN 238:2004-04 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry; German version EN 238:1996 + A1:2003
- DIN 51436:2009-03 Testing of petroleum products - Determination of the content of icing inhibitor in aviation turbine fuels - Infrared spectrometry
- DIN 51820 E:2013-05 Testing of lubricants - Analysis of greases by infrared spectrometer - Recording and interpretation of an infrared spectrum
- DIN 51820 E:2012-08 Testing of lubricants - Analysis of greases by infrared spectrometer - Recording and interpretation of an infrared spectrum
- DIN 51820:2013 Testing of lubricants - Analysis of greases by infrared spectrometer - Recording and interpretation of an infrared spectrum
- DIN EN 238:1996 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry
- DIN EN 238:2004 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry; German version EN 238:1996 + A1:2003
- DIN 51820:2013-12 Testing of lubricants - Analysis of greases by infrared spectrometer - Recording and interpretation of an infrared spectrum / Note: Applies in conjunction with DIN 51451 (2004-09).
- DIN 51820-1:1989 Testing of lubricants; analysis of greases by infrared spectrometry; taking and evaluating an infrared spectrum
- DIN 51433:1992 Testing of used oils; determination of the mineral oil content of used oil; infrared spectrometric method
SCC, Infrared spectrum detection content
- NS-EN 238:1996 Liquid petroleum products — Petrol — Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry
- AENOR UNE 77307:2000 Soil quality. Determination of mineral oil content. Infrared spectrometry method and gas chromatography method.
- DANSK DS/EN 238:1996 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry
Professional Standard - Non-ferrous Metal, Infrared spectrum detection content
- YS/T 1035-2015 Determination of carbon content in aluminum electrolyte.IR absorption spectrometry method
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Infrared spectrum detection content
- ASTM E2224-18 Standard Guide for Forensic Analysis of Fibers by Infrared Spectroscopy
- ASTM E2224-19 Standard Guide for Forensic Analysis of Fibers by Infrared Spectroscopy
- ASTM E168-92 Standard Practice for General Techniques of Infrared Quantitative Analysis
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- GB/T 8570.6-1988 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia--Determination of oil content--Gravimetric and infra-red methods
- GB/T 7603-1987 Determination of the aromatic carbon content in mineral insulating oils by infrared spectrum method
- GB/T 23801-2009 Determination of fatty acid methyl esters(FAME) in middle distillates by infrared spectroscopy method
- GB/T 36540-2018 VIS-SWIR spectral reflectivity measurement of water
- GB/T 35306-2023 Determination of Carbon and Oxygen Content in Silicon Single Crystal Low Temperature Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- GB/T 32198-2015 General Rules for Quantitative Analysis Techniques of Infrared Spectroscopy
- GB/T 24898-2010 Inspection of grain and oils-Determination of moisture content in wheat-Near-infrared method
- GB/T 25214-2010 Determination of total sulfur in coal by IR spectrometry
- GB/T 25219-2010 Inspection of grain and oils.Determination of starch content in maize.Near-infrared method
- GB/T 24896-2010 Inspection of grain and oils-Determination of moisture content in paddy-Near-infrared method
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Infrared spectrum detection content
- KS M ISO 11046-2006 Soil quality-Determination of mineral oil content-Method by infrared spectrometry and gas chromatographic method
- KS M ISO 7106-2017(2022) Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use — Determination of oil content — Gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
- KS M ISO 7106:2017 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use — Determination of oil content — Gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
- KS M ISO 7106:2002 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use-Determination of oil content-Gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
- KS M ISO 7106-2022 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use — Determination of oil content — Gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
Professional Standard - Public Safety Standards, Infrared spectrum detection content
- GA/T 1656-2019 Forensic Science Lipstick Test Infrared Spectroscopy
- GA/T 1701-2019 Forensic Science Toner Inspection Infrared Spectroscopy
- GA/T 1423-2017 Forensic Science Plastic Evidence Examination Infrared Spectroscopy
- GA/T 2083-2023 Forensic Science Rubber Testing Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
國家市場監(jiān)督管理總局、中國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會, Infrared spectrum detection content
- GB/T 41366-2022 Livestock and poultry meat quality testing—Determination of moisture, protein and fat—Near-infrared spectroscopy method
- GB/T 23801-2021 Determination of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) content in middle distillates—Infrared spectrometry
VN-TCVN, Infrared spectrum detection content
- TCVN 7369-2004 Soils quality.Determination of mineral oil content.Method by infrared spectrometry and gas chromatographic method
- TCVN 2617-2008 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use.Determination of oil content.Gravimetric and infrared spectrometric methods
- TCVN 7725-2007 Ambient air.Determination of carbon monoxide.Non-dispersive infrared spectrometric method
Danish Standards Foundation, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DS/EN 238/A1:2004 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry
- DS/EN 238:1997 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Infrared spectrum detection content
- UNE-EN 238/A1:2004 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry
- UNE 77307:2000 Soil quality. Determination of mineral oil content. Method by infrared spectrometry and gas chromatographic method.
- UNE 53-633-1991 Rubber. Identification infra-red spectrometric method
交通運輸部, Infrared spectrum detection content
- JT/T 1329-2020 Test method for modifier content of SBS modified asphalt by infrared spectroscopy
Lithuanian Standards Office , Infrared spectrum detection content
- LST EN 238-1999 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry
- LST EN 238-1999/A1-2004 Liquid petroleum products - Petrol - Determination of the benzene content by infrared spectrometry
Jiangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB36/T 1131-2019 Determination of SBS and SBR Modifier Content in Modified Asphalt by Infrared Spectroscopy
RU-GOST R, Infrared spectrum detection content
- GOST 32465-2013 Solid mineral fuel. Determination of sulfur by IR spectrometry
TH-TISI, Infrared spectrum detection content
- TIS 1969-2000 Liquidfied anhydrous amnonia for industrial use.determination of oil content.gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
YU-JUS, Infrared spectrum detection content
- JUS H.F8.232-1986 Gases. Determination of hydrocarbons content. Infrared spectrophotometric method
Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- CNS 15057-2007 Liquid petroleum products - Determination of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) in middle distillates - Infrared spectroscopy method
Professional Standard - Petrochemical Industry, Infrared spectrum detection content
- SH/T 0797-2007 Standard test method for determination of benzene in spark-ignition engine fuels using mid infrared spectroscopy
Fujian Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB35/T 896-2009 Determination of Basic Rose T in Food by Liquid Chromatography-Fluorescence Detection
KR-KS, Infrared spectrum detection content
- KS M ISO 7106-2017 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use — Determination of oil content — Gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
Inner Mongolia Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB15/T 2494-2021 Highway asphalt infrared spectrum rapid detection test procedures
ECSS - European Cooperation for Space Standardization, Infrared spectrum detection content
- Q-ST-70-05C-2009 Detection of organic contamination surfaces by infrared spectroscopy (Second Issue)
Association of German Mechanical Engineers, Infrared spectrum detection content
國家能源局, Infrared spectrum detection content
- SH/T 1816-2017 Determination of methyl (comonomer) content in plastic polyethylene by infrared spectroscopy
- SY/T 7657.2-2021 Determination of natural gas using photoacoustic spectroscopy-infrared spectroscopy-fuel cell combined method Part 2: Determination of methane content by photoacoustic spectroscopy
- SY/T 7657.3-2021 Part 3 of the combined photoacoustic spectroscopy-infrared spectroscopy-fuel cell determination method for natural gas: Determination of the content of ethane and above alkanes, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide by infrared spectroscopy
Professional Standard - Electricity, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DL/T 919-2005 Determination of mineral oil content in sulphur hexafluoride by infrared spectrum method
GSO, Infrared spectrum detection content
- BH GSO ISO 7106:2017 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use -- Determination of oil content -- Gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
- GSO ISO 7106:2016 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use -- Determination of oil content -- Gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
- OS GSO ISO 7106:2016 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia for industrial use -- Determination of oil content -- Gravimetric and infra-red spectrometric methods
- GSO ISO 17184:2016 Soil quality -- Determination of carbon and nitrogen by near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS)
- BH GSO ISO 17184:2017 Soil quality -- Determination of carbon and nitrogen by near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS)
- OS GSO ISO 17184:2016 Soil quality -- Determination of carbon and nitrogen by near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS)
National Metrological Verification Regulations of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- JJG(教委) 01-1992 Verification Regulations for Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
Hainan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Infrared spectrum detection content
- DB46/T 519-2020 Rapid Detection Method of Infrared Spectroscopy/Raman Spectroscopy Fingerprint of Fully Biodegradable Plastic Products
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Infrared spectrum detection content
- GJB 8662-2015 Calibration procedures for Fourier transform infrared spectrometers
Professional Standard - Forestry, Infrared spectrum detection content
- LY/T 2151-2013 Method for determination of holocellulose and acid-insoluble lignin in wood.Near infrared spectroscopy
- LY/T 2554-2015 Determination of Biomass Content in Wood Plastic Composites by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
中華人民共和國國家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會, Infrared spectrum detection content
- GB/T 35306-2017 Test method for carbon and oxygen content of single crystal silicon—Low temperature fourier transform infrared spectrometry
- GB/T 33988-2017 VIS-SWIR spectral reflectivity measurement of urban surface features
CZ-CSN, Infrared spectrum detection content
- CSN 58 8785-1994 Methods of test for fats and oils Determination of content of isolated trans-unsaturated compounds by infrared spectroscopy
SE-SIS, Infrared spectrum detection content
Professional Standard - Energy, Infrared spectrum detection content
- NB/SH/T 0916-2015 Standard test method for determination of biodiesel (fatty acid methyl esters) content in diesel fuel oil using mid infrared spectroscopy
Professional Standard - Pharmaceutical Packaging, Infrared spectrum detection content
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Infrared spectrum detection content
- JIS R 1803:2005 Method for the spectral radiant energy measurement of far infrared heaters specified in the far infrared region
Professional Standard - Aviation, Infrared spectrum detection content
- HB 5416-1988 Infrared Spectral Inspection Method for Aeronautical Non-metallic Materials