共找到 150 條與 原料皮 相關(guān)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),共 10 頁(yè)
1 Prezentul standard stabile?te principalii termeni, cu defini?iile respective, privind pieile brute folosite ca materie prim? ?n industria piel?riei.
RAW HIDES Terminology
Feed raw material hulled barley
Przedmiotem normy s? nazwy i okre?lenia surowych skór futrzarskich z wyj?tkiem skór owczych
Raw skins Names and definitions
Applicable to all cattle and horse raw hides, obtained after slaughtering and flaying, intended for the tanning industrie. Two figures show the shape
Leather; Raw hides of cattle and horses; Method of trim
1.1 Obiect ?i domeniu de aplicare Prezentul standard se refer? la pieile brute de nurci de cresc?torie ?i se aplic? de la recoltarea
本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)定了進(jìn)出口制革原料皮的抽樣,檢驗(yàn)及檢驗(yàn)結(jié)果的判定。 本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)適用于進(jìn)出口制革原料皮的檢驗(yàn)
Rules for the inspection of hides for import and export
Przedmiotem normy s? skóry surowe tchórzy (Muste?a putorius) i fretek (Mustela putorius furo) poszczególnych odmian przeznaczonych do technologicznego
Raw skins of fur animals. Polecat and ferret skins
Standard for the import and export trade of raw materials for leather manufacture — Cattle hides
Przedmiotem normy s? skóry surowe poszczególnych grup i odmian nutrii, przeznaczone do technologicznego przerobu na wyroby futrzarskie
Raw skins of fur animals. Nutria skins
Applies to all raw and skins of cattle and horses but not to buffalo hides. Short description of nature and origin of preserving process defects
Leather; Raw hides of cattle and horses; Preservation by stack salting
Przedmiotem normy s? wymagania dotycz?ce skór surowych krajowych przeznaczonych aa podstawowe asortymenty skór wyprawionych
Raw hides and skins Requirements according to purposes of tannery
This International Standard describes the defects which may occur on raw goat skins (see note 1). It is applicable to fresh and cured (air dried, wet
Raw goat skins - Part 1: Descriptions of defects
This part of ISO 4683 describes the defects which may occur on raw sheep skins (see note 1). It is applicable to fresh and cured (air dried, wet
Raw sheep skins - Part 1: Description of defects
Contains minor technical amendments only
Leather - Raw hides of cattle and horses - Method of trim; Amendment 1
This part of ISO 4683 specifies a system for the designation and presentation of fine- and coarse-wooled sheep skins still bearing their wool which
Raw sheep skins - Part 2: Designation and presentation
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頁(yè)面更新時(shí)間: 2025-03-17 18:44